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USMLE STEP 1 in few months Study Schedule and Plan

The essence of effective exam preparation, particularly when time is of the essence, lies in the strategic selection of resources and the implementation of a well-structured study plan. This guide aims to provide you with a comprehensive approach to studying for the Step One exam, even when you're pressed for time.

Key Points:

Resource Selection: The first step is to identify the most effective resources for your study. While there are numerous materials available, it's crucial to focus on the ones that will yield the most significant results in a limited timeframe. UWorld and First Aid are two highly recommended resources. If time is extremely limited, prioritize UWorld as it provides a more interactive learning experience compared to reading a book.

Realistic Expectations: It's important to set realistic goals. Studying for Step One in two weeks, for example, is not feasible given the volume of content. Understand that the process requires time and rushing it could risk failure, which would negatively impact your residency application.

Assessment Tools: Utilize assessment tools like UWorld self-assessments and NBMEs to gauge your readiness for the exam. These tools can predict your score and help you adjust your study strategy if necessary.

Study Techniques: Implement effective study techniques such as active learning, spaced repetition, and mnemonics to enhance information retention. Minimize distractions to maximize study efficiency.

Study Plan: Develop a study plan that includes both UWorld and First Aid. For example, if you aim to complete 80 UWorld questions a day, it would take approximately 46 days to finish the entire question bank. Add a buffer of seven days for unforeseen circumstances. For First Aid, aim to cover 20 pages a day, which would take around 34 days. Include additional days for review and assessments.

Sample Study Plan:

Here's a sample study plan based on the above strategy:

  • UWorld: 46 days (80 questions/day) + 7 days buffer = 53 days

  • First Aid: 34 days (20 pages/day)

  • Review UWorld: 15 days

  • Review First Aid: 20 days

  • Assessment Tools: 5 days

  • Buffer: 7 days

Total: 134 days (approximately 4.5 months)

We have amazing study plans ready to use. Please visit

This plan assumes you're studying full-time. If you have less time per day, adjust the plan accordingly. Remember, the goal is to thoroughly understand the material, not to cover as many resources as possible.

Additional Tips:

Study Environment: Ensure your study environment is conducive to learning. Minimize noise and distractions to enhance focus and productivity.

  • Active Learning: Engage in active learning by summarizing information in your own words, teaching concepts to others, and applying knowledge to different scenarios.

  • Spaced Repetition: Review material at increasing intervals to improve long-term memory retention.

  • Mnemonics: Use mnemonic devices to help remember complex concepts or lists.

  • Rest: Don't forget to take breaks and rest. Overworking can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

Remember, this is just a guide. Feel free to adjust it based on your personal needs and circumstances. Good luck with your exam preparation!